αυγό ομελέτο - translation to English
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αυγό ομελέτο - translation to English

αυγό ομελέτο      
scrambled egg
scrambled egg         
  • [[Poqui poqui]], a scrambled egg dish with grilled [[eggplant]]s, tomatoes, [[shallot]]s, and garlic, from the [[Philippines]]
  • Scrambled eggs with bacon and pancakes
  • [[Scotch woodcock]], a British dish of scrambled eggs and [[anchovy paste]] on toast
  • Preparation in pans
  • Video showing the steps in which basic scrambled eggs are prepared with mushrooms and cheese
Scrambled Eggs; Scrambled Egg; Scrambled egg; Scrambled; Buttered eggs
αυγό ομελέτο